9 November 2022, 08:01

eVISO announces the realise of a new generation of intelligent digital infastructure that buys and sell energy on the electricity market
Saluzzo (CN), 9 November 2022 – eVISO S.p.A. (EVS.MI) – a digital company, listed on the EGM, with a proprietary artificial intelligence infrastructure that creates value for consumers and recurring producers of raw materials – announces that Conkatador, its intelligent procurement system in the intraday electricity markets based on “Robotic Process Automation” and “Machine Learning” technology, is fully operational.
Electricity market players can source energy on multiple intraday markets, which are important tools for balancing positions in real time. This is all the more important in the presence of the exponential growth of intermittent energy sources, such as photovoltaic, wind, run-of-river hydroelectric plants, etc., whose unpredictability requires continuous corrections of positions on intraday markets. On the other hand, the installation of more efficient heating and cooling systems (heat pumps), the occasional remote-working and the installation of self-consumption systems require the continuous correction of the estimated load profiles.
Thanks to Conkatador, eViso can increase its daily procurement transactions from the current 100,000 per month to over 1 million per month, thus securing a better strategic position compared to its competitors.
On the one hand, Conkatador makes it possible to correct, up to one hour before the physical delivery of energy, the quantity ordered for customers and the quantity produced by renewable energy plants. This is a very useful feature, for example, in the event of a sudden cloud cover in the area of the photovoltaic plant or unexpected downtime of the industrial production line. In these situations, thanks to the real-time monitoring provided by Conkatador, it is possible to change the forecast for the production day and the position on the market. Conkatador also allows the user to enjoy competitive price advantages through the ability to negotiate
the extra production or under-consumption of the different Italian and European players, as this ability increases 10-fold.
Carlo Cigna, director of Energy Intelligence at eVISO, commented: “Conkatador is a fundamental tool for eVISO because it allows for greater speed and enormous flexibility in the energy purchasing process, factors that in a highly competitive and variable market like ours allow us to improve our positioning compared to competitors with a solid and sustainable competitive advantage. Conkatador also has the ability to improve itself by evolving autonomously, thanks to the “Robotic Process Automation” and “Machine Learning” technology capable of managing a huge amount of data and experiences that translate into a constant evolution of the artificial intelligence platform”.
Gianfranco Sorasio, CEO of eVISO, stated: “The new generation of the digital energy supply infrastructure demonstrates eVISO’s consistency in being able to create and implement Artificial Intelligence technologies, on an industrial scale, in highly competitive markets.
We are proud of our concrete achievements that, like the one we are presenting today, add heavy bricks to strengthen our competitive advantage over our competitors. The implementation of the system brings about an increase in our procurement transactions from the current 100,000 per month to over 1 million per month. This allows us to mitigate the risk of fluctuations, buy better, manage intermittent energy sources such as renewables, and consequently offer the best service to our customers.”
This press release is available in the Investor Relations section of the website www.eviso.ai. It is also noted that, for the dissemination of regulated information, the Company makes use of the eMarket SDIR circuit managed by Spafid Connect SpA, with registered office at Foro Buonaparte 10, Milan.