29 March 2022, 12:37

The website aims to emphasise the central role of Artificial Intelligence in the company's business and has been designed to host news and data related to the Investor Relations section, platform products and news about the company's activities and results
Saluzzo, 29 March 2022 – eVISO S.p.A. (EVS.MI) – an EGM-listed digital company with a proprietary artificial intelligence infrastructure that creates value for consumers and recurring commodity producers – announces that it has created a new corporate website accessible at www.eviso.ai with the aim of making communication to investors and stakholders more easily available, while at the same time improving the distinction between financial activities and individual products on the platform.
The Company, one year after its listing on Euronext Growth Milan, decided to design a new web portal other than eviso.it where specific activities are carried out for retail customers or resellers in the energy sector, thus separating corporate activities from commercial ones. The www.eviso.ai website was created with a new concept leading to a rebranding of the logo, which, while retaining the same recognisable lettering, slightly changes its tone. The grey background colour is closer to black, the ‘e’ takes on a petrol green, and white becomes ice-coloured.
Gianfranco Sorasio, eVISO’s CEO, commented: “The choice of colour is definitely allegorical: the petrol green represents the Big Data used by eVISO, which is considered ‘the new oil’ because of its potential to create value; the ice white represents the tip of an iceberg, the visible part of the ‘magic’ of Artificial Intelligence, beneath which billions of data are collected and analysed. Finally, by reversing part of the letters that make up the name eVISO, the two letters ‘AI’ (for Commodities) materialise, a new payoff that summarises the high point of the company’s technological core”.
At www.eviso.ai you will find all the news and data relating to the Investor Relations section, a description of the products on the platform, and news concerning the company’s activities and results. In the coming months, the site will be enriched with other sections and a version in English will be provided.
The entire project was entrusted to the Marketing Department of eVISO SpA, coordinated by GD System Srl, a subsidiary of eVISO.
This press release is available in the Investor Relations section of the website www.eviso.ai. Please also note that, for the dissemination of regulated information, the Company uses the eMarket SDIR circuit managed by Spafid Connect S.p.A., with registered office at Foro Buonaparte 10, Milan.