11 February 2022, 12:12

Half-year revenues up to around € 99 million (+221% YoY). Favourable cash flow with Net Financial Position (cash) at € 5 million. Number of users served in the Electricity commodity increased to 139,000 (+406% YoY)
Saluzzo (CN), 11 February 2022 – The Board of Directors of eVISO S.p.A. (EVS.MI) – an EGM-listed artificial intelligence company that creates value for consumers and recurring producers of raw materials – met today to review its unaudited H1 2021/2022 revenues and key KPIs.
eVISO’s growth accelerated, posting revenues of around € 99 million in the first half of 2021, up +221% on the same period last year.
The phenomenon of high energy prices, which characterised the past half-year, was partly mitigated by government support for end users. The most significant impact occurred in the electricity segment, where the average turnover per MWh increased to approximately €260/MWh, up around +70% compared to around €150/MWh recorded in the same half of 2020.
The half year saw strong growth in terms of volumes and users for all commodities handled.
The energy supplied increased by approximately +90% to 342 MWh (compared to the same half of 2020); the energy supplied to the direct channel recorded +12% to 136 MWh whereas the energy provided to the reseller channel reported +260% to 206 MWh (compared to the same half of 2020).
The number of users served overall marked a rise of +406% (compared to the same half of 2020) to 139 thousand, while the number of resellers served is 61, up +205% compared to the 21 in the previous half-year and thus accounting for a 7.5% share of the free market sales operators surveyed in Italy on 9 February 2022[1].
Gas supplied reached approximately 664 thousand scm (standard cubic metres) compared to 10 thousand scm at 31 December 2020.
The half-year period confirmed staggering growth in the number of users served, which exceeded 1,000, compared to 19 in the previous half-year period.
The number of registered users on smartmele.eviso.it exceeded 180, and 100 tons of apples were traded with forward contracts on the proprietary marketplace.
The Net Financial Position is positive (cash) by € 5 million, compared to a positive Net Financial Position of approximately € 7 million at 30 June 2021.
“I am convinced that in the commodities arena – commented Gianfranco Sorasio, CEO of eVISO – Artificial Intelligence is the necessary tool to compete and robustly face the challenge of Big Data. eVISO’s business model is straightforward: using proprietary artificial intelligence tools and the huge amount of data, collected every day by our robots, to grow strongly through fast, competitive and scalable services: +90% energy volumes, +6,224% gas volumes, +406% users served and finally 100 tons of apples successfully traded in our proprietary marketplace smartmele.eviso.it. All this, however, taking into account a general macroeconomic context that is significantly impacted by an inflationary dynamic on energy and raw materials unprecedented in the recent past”.
The above data are of an operational nature and are not subject to audit. In accordance with the Company’s financial calendar, complete economic and financial data will be published following approval by the Board of Directors, scheduled for Tuesday 22 March 2022.
[1] Source: ARERA (Autorità di Regolazione per Energia Reti e Ambiente, Regulatory Authority for Energy, Networks and Environment)