8 December 2022, 10:37

Saluzzo (CN), December 8, 2022 – eVISO S.p.A. (EVS.MI) – a digital company, listed on the EGM, with a proprietary artificial intelligence infrastructure that creates value for consumers and recurring producers of raw materials – announces the appointment of Simone Bernardi as the head of the SmartMele project (smartmele.eviso.it), the platform developed by eVISO, dedicated to the trading of apples with delayed delivery in time at 3/6/12 months and beyond.
The appointment of Simone Bernardi is part of the strategic development plan of SmartMele. Eviso, taking advantage of the strategic agreements with the Italian Telematic Commodities Exchange (BMTI) of which it has been a partner since August 2021 (LINK), and with the Agrion Research Foundation of the Piedmont Region in September 2021 (LINK), continues to develop its project by relying on a highly specialized manager with a decade of experience in the apple market.
Simone Bernardi, who will report directly to eVISO’s CEO Gianfranco Sorasio, was the CEO of Lagnasco Group, a leading company in Italy in the fruit and vegetable sector, of which he also held the role of President from 2013 to 2019. Bernardi holds several institutional positions, the main of which are: council member of Assomela, an association representing 80% of national apple production, also council member of Italia Ortofrutta, Italian association of producer organizations for which he is the delegate of the Interprofessional Body for the apple sector (table of confrontation between production associations and gdo). Finally, Bernardi is a council member of CSO Italy, the fruit and vegetable supply chain association, and manages the family company that produces apples, blueberries and nectarines.
Gianfranco Sorasio, CEO of eVISO, commented: “We are very satisfied that Simone Bernardi is the new head of SmartMele, an innovative and unique project that has the characteristic of being scalable very quickly and that just a few months after its launch is already demonstrating its effectiveness, as evidenced by the first 100 tons delivered between Kuwait and Brazil. We are convinced that Bernardi will contribute, with his experience, to give an additional acceleration to the project.”
Simone Bernardi, head of the SmartMele project, added: “I am very happy about this new challenge and the opportunity that the CEO of Eviso, Gianfranco Sorasio, gave me. I believe SmartMele will allow me to put into practice the experiences made in the past years and to grow my knowledge every day. Interweaving the digital world with the physical world means bringing together two different cultures and, as history teaches us, diversity creates value. With Eviso we are ready to face the future with enthusiasm and courage.”