3 May 2024, 14:22

The new app will be able to manage up to 400,000 users (15X compared to the 31 thousand users managed in the first half of 2023-2024)
Saluzzo (CN), 3 May 2024 – eVISO S.p.A. (simbolo: EVISO) – COMMOD-TECH company, listed on the EGM, with a proprietary artificial intelligence infrastructure that operates in the raw materials sector (electricity, gas, apples) – launches Easy – My eVISO, a new application developed to accelerate growth and be more competitive in the retail segment in light of the upcoming liberalization of the energy market.
The new application, developed internally by the international team in over 600 hours of work and based on a technology already prepared for the integration of Artificial Intelligence agents capable of interacting naturally with users, in any language and mode, guarantees eVISO the industrial capacity to be able to rapidly scale the growth in volumes of retail customers expected deriving from the liberalization of the electricity market, scheduled for July 2024, and that already underway in gas, in line with the Company’s growth strategy. This new tool responds directly to the needs of the retail sector and constitutes a fundamental step for eVISO to forcefully enter a sector currently dominated by big players.
The new “Easy – My eVISO” App, launched to allow eVISO energy customers to independently manage services related to electricity and gas supplies, directly from their iOS or Android device, will be able to manage up to 400,000 direct electricity and gas customers, a number 15 times higher than the 31,000 users actually served in the first half of 2023-2024.
Gianfranco Sorasio, CEO of eVISO, commented: “The new Easy – My eVISO App increases eVISO’s interaction capacity with direct customers by 15 times with a digital platform that offers 10 times more services than the market standard (viewing and downloading of bills, self-readings of meters and contact request). The new App projects eVISO in an industrial way into the retail market and will allow it to be increasingly competitive in a market context which, thanks to the expected liberalisation, will offer important growth opportunities”.
The new Easy-My eVISO App offers the functions associated with eVISO’s own digital services, such as monitoring daily, monthly and annual consumption and push alert notifications to consume better and be more efficient, as well as simpler functions such as visualization and downloading bills, entering meter self-readings and requesting contact. In the next releases, the Easy – My eVISO App will allow retail users to easily and completely safely request additional procedures such as takeover, transfer, increase in power, moving the meter, installing a new meter, installation of a construction site meter and decommissioning.
This press release is available in the Investor Relations section of the website www.eviso.ai.
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