9 June 2023, 08:03

Reseller volumes at 560 GWh and direct costumer volumes at 270 GWh, +41% and + 16% compared to June 2022. Data provided by the Integrated Information System (public body).
Saluzzo (CN), 9 June 2023 – eVISO S.p.A. (symbol: EVISO) – a digital company, listed on the EGM, with a proprietary artificial intelligence infrastructure operating in the commodities sector (electricity, gas, apples) – announces the data provided by the Integrated Information System (SII) – the public body that manages information flows about the electricity and gas markets – regarding the annual consumption volumes of the electricity customer base connected to eVISO in June 2023.
The data shows a strong recovery in the growth of electricity volumes managed by eVISO in terms of both direct customers and resellers. In particular, it should be noted that:
- the annual consumption volumes provided by SII on eVISO direct customers in June 2023 amounted to 270 GWh, an all-time high for eVISO, up 16% compared to the annual consumption volumes provided by SII for eVISO direct customers in June 2022 and amounting to 230 GWh;
- the annual consumption volumes of the current eVISO Reseller customers in June 2023 amounted to 560 GWh, an all-time high for eVISO, up 41% compared to the annual consumption volumes provided by SII for eVISO reseller customers in June 2022 and amounting to 400 GWh.
Gianfranco Sorasio, CEO of eVISO, commented as follows: “We are pleased to report that the data provided by SII show growth in the portfolio under management across all channels. In the direct customer channel, which had been declining in the past months due to tensions in the energy market in 2022, volumes have returned to growth above their historical highs. In the reseller channel, the figures confirm double-digit growth of +41% compared to June 2022 volumes. In December 2022, we informed the market that contracts had been signed with the reseller channel for a pipeline of 700 GWh. The 560 GWh of annual volumes coupled with eVISO only 6 months after the signing of the new contracts highlight a pipeline conversion rate of more than 80% and proves its high visibility in the segment. The volumes confirm that the proprietary digital infrastructure, which automates the value chain from producer to consumer, is a competitive advantage that allows eVISO to rapidly scale the businesses in which it is present”.