6 December 2022, 09:48

The supply agreement provides for the future purchase of electricity produced by the group's own photovoltaic plants
Saluzzo (CN), 29 November 2022 – eVISO S.p.A. (EVS.MI) – a digital company, listed on the EGM, with a proprietary artificial intelligence infrastructure that creates value for consumers and recurring producers of raw materials – announces that the renewal of supply contracts to reseller customers for the year 2023 is underway and that to date, contracts for 440 GWh have been signed in the resellers market, equal to an estimated turnover of 125 million euros for the calendar year 2023.
This is a very satisfactory result if one considers that in the 12 months from 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2022 a total of 380 GWh were delivered to the Resellers, amounting to 105 M€ of turnover.
The supply contracts for the calendar year 2023 are better than the current ones, as they show on the one hand an increasing spread, aligned to a significantly higher cost of energy, and on the other hand a more favorable cash cycle for eVISO, driven by a stronger deposit mix and faster collection times.
Gianfranco Sorasio, CEO of eVISO added: “This result is very satisfying and confirms our forecasts. Indeed, thanks to its proprietary platform based on the application of artificial intelligence to commodities, eVISO is able to make its business model scalable”.
Lucia Fracassi, COO of eVISO added: “The contract renewal campaign for the year 2023 is still ongoing. I am confident that our value proposition will lead to further significant increases in the energy delivered to the resellers channel”.