11 December 2023, 19:01

Data provided by the Integrated Information System (public body) Supply contracts signed for the calendar year 2024 on the reseller and direct industrial market for an additional €132 m compared to the volumes under management
Saluzzo (CN), 11 december 2023 – eVISO S.p.A. (simbolo: EVISO) – COMMOD-TECH company, listed on the EGM, with a proprietary artificial intelligence infrastructure that operates in the raw materials sector (electricity, gas, apples) – communicates the data provided by the Integrated Information System (SII) – a public body that manages information flows relating to the electricity and gas markets – relating to the annual consumption volumes of the electricity user base combined with eVISO in the month of December 2023.
In particular, the total volumes combined with eVISO are equal to 1040 GWh, up by a further 7% compared to the last communication of 3 October, and are divided as follows:
- The annual consumption volumes relating to direct customers combined with eVISO in December 2023 are equal to 320 GWh, an all-time high for eVISO, equivalent to an annual turnover exceeding €70 million. To these must be added the 52 GWh of contracts signed with Consorzio Imperia Energia communicated on 5 December 2023 starting from 1 January 2024, and equivalent to €12 million in additional turnover;
- The annual consumption volumes of the current Reseller channel customers and combined with eVISO in the month of December 2023 are equal to 720 GWh, equivalent to an annual turnover of more than €160 million.
- Finally, there is an additional 530 GWh of energy supply contracts to reseller customers, already signed for the 2024 calendar year, for an additional annual turnover ceiling to the volumes managed and equal to approximately €120 million, and the other business lines such as ancillary services for energy, gas and apples.
Gianfranco Sorasio, CEO of eVISO, commented: “The numbers of the volumes of energy supply to resellers and direct customers under management in December and the additional energy contracts already signed indicate, for the year 2024/25 in which we expect them to be fully operational, an estimated turnover exceeding 30% compared to analyst consensus. The volumes communicated today highlight eVISO’s speed in interpreting the POWER-TECH segment with distinctive technological products and services and thus generating value in an extremely competitive market. The proprietary platform also highlights the uniqueness of both the eVISO business model and the power-tech services offered, allowing the Company to manage an ever-increasing number of users with increasingly reduced residual costs”.
Giada Giangreco, eVISO reseller channel team leader, added: “The forecast of such a significant turnover in the reseller market for next year is extremely positive and reflects the solidity and continuous growth of eVISO. It is important to underline that, with the liberalization of the energy market, new opportunities will open up for eVISO. In 2024, with the exit of 12 million domestic users for electricity and 6 million for gas, as reported by ARERA in 2022, even net of the over 4 million vulnerable users, we find ourselves facing a moment crucial. This change will involve the resellers associated with eVISO, distributed throughout Italy, as well as our direct channel.”
Thanks to the attractiveness of the power-tech services offered, eVISO has the ability to increase the share of customers served in the reseller segment and at the same time to optimally manage, at the same costs, an ever-increasing number of users thanks to the infrastructure proprietary digital developed internally.
It is important to note that the pipeline volumes communicated today are the result of the work of the last few months, the negotiation of which preceded the realization of the end of the greater protection market, and consequently do not reflect the most recent developments on the topic which involves over 10 million of electricity and gas users. Consequently, the Company expects that resellers will act vigorously to liberalize the market by both quickly saturating the contractualized plafonds and requesting further extensions.
Below is a graph aimed at highlighting the notable growth recorded by eVISO in the reseller segment in terms of sales volumes and users served starting from the year of listing (FY 19/20).
The first 4 columns indicate the historical volume data supplied in each single financial year, from the listing year FY 19/20 to the last financial year concluded on 30 June 2023. The last column indicates the pipeline of annual volumes contracted with reseller operators, equal to 1,250 GWh per year, (720 GWh under management plus 530 GWh of additional volumes from contracts already signed) which are three times greater than the volumes recorded in the financial year ended 30 June and over 20 times greater than the volumes recorded in the year of listing (FY 19/20). The line reports the number of users served (POD) in each financial year, which also grew strongly in the time period taken into consideration.
This press release is available in the Investor Relations section of the website www.eviso.ai.
For the transmission of Regulated Information, the Company uses the EMARKET SDIR dissemination system available at www.emarketstorage.com, managed by Teleborsa S.r.l. – with headquarters Piazza di Priscilla, 4 – Rome – following the authorization and CONSOB resolutions n. 22517 and 22518 of 23 November 2022.