Financial press relases

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3 October 2023, 14:25
eVISO sfiora 1 TWh di volumi in gestione a ottobre, +17% in 3 mesi

Volumi reseller a 660 gwh e clientela diretta a 310 gwh, rispettivamente +18% e +15% da giugno 2023, dati forniti dal Sistema Informativo Integrato (ente pubblico)

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26 September 2023, 13:41
eVISO: Board of Directors approved the draft financial statements as at 30 June 2023

Record in electricity customers served: 401 thousand users, more than doubled compared to June 2022; Production value of € 225.7 million, an 8% yoy increase; Increased cash reserve of € 9.0 million

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25 September 2023, 08:04
eVISO lancia il servizio di fornitura gas per i reseller, completando così l’offerta di vendita di energia su tutti i canali di vendita

Siglato un primo contratto di fornitura di gas con un operatore reseller per un plafond annuale di 1 milione di smc, equivalente ad un fatturato stimato pari a circa 1 milione di euro

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31 August 2023, 18:18
eVISO: preliminary unaudited results for 12 months July 2022 – June 2023

Progressive improvement in all key indicators during the second half Net financial position at € 9 million (cash), € 13 millions of cash generated in the last six months Record of users served

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29 August 2023, 07:55
Siglato un nuovo contratto di fornitura di energia ad un operatore reseller per un plafond di 100 GWh, equivalente ad un fatturato stimato pari a circa 25 milioni di euro

Saluzzo (CN), 29 agosto 2023 –eVISO S.p.A. (simbolo: EVISO) – società digitale, quotata all’EGM, con una infrastruttura di intelligenza artificiale […]

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9 June 2023, 08:03
Record in volumes managed in June 2023: 830 GWh

Reseller volumes at 560 GWh and direct costumer volumes at 270 GWh, +41% and + 16% compared to June 2022. Data provided by the Integrated Information System (public body).

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11 May 2023, 18:43
eVISO attends TP ICAP MIDCAP CONFERENCE 2023 in Paris to meet international institutional investors and aims to grow its shareholders base

Saluzzo (CN), May 11, 2023 – eVISO S.p.A. (symbol: EVISO) – a digital company, listed on the EGM, with a […]

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Lucia Fracassi direttore generale eVISO SpA
9 May 2023, 11:46
eVISO: il CDA delibera la nomina di Lucia Fracassi come Direttore Generale della Società

Avrà il compito di organizzare processi e procedure al fine di consentire la scalabilità del business

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28 March 2023, 13:00
The boards of director approved the half-yearly report as at 31 december 2022

Artificial Intelligence improves eVISO'S competitiveness and growth: since the IPO +162% in Energy volumes, +5,540% in gas volumes, +788% in users served and 100 tonnes of apples traded on SmartMele. In the first two months of 2023 margins increased and net financial position improved

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20 March 2023, 19:18
eVISO: mode of execution of the Buyback plan.

Saluzzo (CN), March 20, 2023 – eVISO S.p.A. (symbol: EVS.MI) – digital company, listed on the EGM, with a proprietary […]

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15 March 2023, 14:41
Ticker change in eVISO

Saluzzo (CN), March 15, 2023 – eVISO S.p.A. (symbol: EVS.MI) – a digital company, listed on the EGM, with a […]

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8 March 2023, 17:42
Manifestazione di interesse

Saluzzo (CN), 8 MARZO 2023 – Si rende noto che in data odierna eVISO S.p.A. (simbolo: EVS.MI) – società digitale, […]

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