Financial press relases

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29 March 2022, 12:37
eVISO launches its new portale:

The website aims to emphasise the central role of Artificial Intelligence in the company's business and has been designed to host news and data related to the Investor Relations section, platform products and news about the company's activities and results

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24 March 2022, 12:17
eVISO: notice of filing of documents relating to the hal- yearly report as at 31 december 2021

Saluzzo, 24 March 2022 – eVISO S.p.A. (EVS.MI), announces that, pursuant to Article 18 of the Euronext Growth Milan Issuers’ […]

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22 March 2022, 18:26
The board of directors approved the half year report as at 31 december 2021

Strong increase in terms of users and volumes for all commodities traded. The number of users served in the electricity commodity rises to 139,000 (+406% YOY), the energy delivered to 342 MWh (+90% YOY)

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11 February 2022, 12:12
eVISO: results growth accelerates in the first half of 2021/2022

Half-year revenues up to around € 99 million (+221% YoY). Favourable cash flow with Net Financial Position (cash) at € 5 million. Number of users served in the Electricity commodity increased to 139,000 (+406% YoY)

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eVISO investor relations
8 February 2022, 18:09
eVISO S.P.A.: changes to the 2022 Financial Calendar


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26 January 2022, 08:36
eVISO takes part in ISMO Paris

The Saluzzo Group will be at the Italian Stock Market Opportunities Paris on Friday 4 February 2022

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26 January 2022, 08:36
eVISO takes part in ISMO

Saluzzo (CN), January 26, 2022 – eVISO S.p.A. (EVS.MI), a company that has developed an artificial intelligence platform that creates […]

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25 January 2022, 09:22
eVISO takes part in the 6th annual Polytems HIR

Saluzzo (CN), January 25, 2022 – eVISO S.p.A. (EVS.MI), a company that has developed an artificial intelligence platform that creates […]

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11 January 2022, 09:41
eVISO: Lucia Fracassi appointed Chief Operation Officer

Saluzzo (CN), January 11, 2022 – eVISO S.p.A. (EVS.MI), a company that has developed an artificial intelligence platform that creates […]

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27 December 2021, 08:22
eVISO: confermata la solidità finanziaria con il Rating A3.1

Cerved Rating Agency S.p.A. ha confermato il rating A3.1 della società (equivalente a A- di S&P’s e FITCH e A3 di MOODY’S).

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SmartMele Marketplace for Apples eVISO
21 December 2021, 19:41
eVISO: effettuata la prima transazione sul portale SmartMele

Prende il via il marketplace del sito dedicato alla compravendita delle mele. Il primo giorno di negoziazioni sulla borsa delle mele si chiude con quasi 100.000 euro di closed orders con consegna ad ottobre 2022

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2 December 2021, 08:30
I Reseller abbinati a eVISO salgono da 39 a 55 (+41%). La Piattaforma CORTEX supera il tetto delle 10.000 pratiche

Dopo il lancio avvenuto a maggio, la piattaforma che consente agli operatori del mercato elettrico (Resellers) di richiedere in modalità self-service una ampia serie di pratiche, riducendo i tempi e i costi di gestione, ha processato in totale 10.374 pratiche, pari al 90% delle attività

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